Algorithm Design Strategies


Data Structures and Algorithms

13th lecture, December 13, 2018

Martin J. Dürst


© 2009-18 Martin J. Dürst 青山学院大学

Today's Schedule


Remaining Schedule


Term Final Exam

Complete contents of lecture and handouts
No need to be able to write Ruby code, but need to be able to understand it, and to write your own pseudocode
Type of problems:
Similar to problems in Discrete Mathematics I or Computer Practice I
Past exams: 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017
How to view example solutions:
Press [表示 (S)] button or [S] key. To revert, press [非表示 (P)] button or press [P] key.
Sometimes, more than one key press is needed to start switching.
Some images and example solutions are missing.
Important points:
Read problems carefully (distinguish between calculation, proof, explanation,...)
Be able to explain concepts in your own words
Combine and apply knowledge from different lectures
Write clearly
Answers can be in Japanese or English


Summary of Last Lecture


Algorithm Design Strategies/Methods


The Knapsack Problem

Depending on the details of the problem, the best algorithm design strategy is different


Variations of the Knapsack Problem

  1. All items are the same; how many items fit in?
  2. Pack as many items as possible
  3. Use as much capacity as possible (integer version)
  4. Maximise value


All Items are the Same

Example: Capacity c = 20kg, weight per item: 3.5kg

'Algorithm': Divide the capacity by the weight per item, round down

Answer for example: 5 items

Design strategy: simplistic 'algorithm'


Simplistic Algorithm


Pack as Many Items as Possible

Example: Capacity c = 20kg, weight of items: 8kg, 2kg, 4kg, 7kg, 2kg, 1kg, 5kg, 12kg

Algorithm: Sort items by increasing weight, pack starting with lightest item

Answer for example: 5 items (e.g. 1kg, 2kg, 2kg, 4kg, 5kg)

Design strategy: Greedy algorithm

Time complexity: O(n log n)


Greedy Algorithm


Use as Much Capacity as Possible (Integer Version)

Example: Capacity c = 20kg, weight of items (ws1,,...,wsn): 8kg, 2kg, 4kg, 7kg, 2kg, 1kg, 5kg, 12kg

Algorithm: Consider subproblems with capacity c'c using only the first k items s1,..., sk (kn)

Design strategy: Dynamic programming

Recursive problem description:

max_weight(0, ...) = max_weight(x, {}) = 0

max_weight(c1, {s1,..., sk}) = max(max_weight(c1-wsk, {s1,..., sk-1})+-wsk, max_weight(c1, {s1,..., sk-1}))


Example Solution

kc 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 (8kg) ×0 ×0 ×0 ×0 ×0 ×0 ×0 ×0 ○8 ○8 ○8 ○8 ○8 ○8 ○8 ○8 ○8 ○8 ○8 ○8 ○8
2 (2kg) ×0 ×0 ○2 ○2 ○2 ○2 ○2 ○2 ×8 ×8 ○10 ○10 ○10 ○10 ○10 ○10 ○10 ○10 ○10 ○10 ○10
3 (4kg) ×0 ×0 ×2 ×2 ○4 ○4 ○6 ○6 ×8 ×8 ×10 ×10 ○12 ○12 ○14 ○14 ○14 ○14 ○14 ○14 ○14
4 (7kg) ×0 ×0 ×2 ×2 ×4 ×4 ×6 ○7 ×8 ○9 ×10 ○11 ×12 ○13 ×14 ○15 ○15 ○17 ○17 ○19 ○19
5 (2kg) ×0 ×0 ×2 ×2 ×4 ×4 ×6 ×7 ×8 ×9 ×10 ×11 ×12 ×13 ×14 ×15 ○16 ×17 ×17 ×19 ×19
6 (1kg) ×0 ○1 ×2 ○3 ×4 ○5 ×6 ×7 ×8 ×9 ×10 ×11 ×12 ×13 ×14 ×15 ×16 ×17 ○18 ×19 ○20
7 (5kg) ×0 ×1 ×2 ×3 ×4 ×5 ×6 ×7 ×8 ×9 ×10 ×11 ×12 ×13 ×14 ×15 ×16 ×17 ×18 ×19 ×20
8 (12kg) ×0 ×1 ×2 ×3 ×4 ×5 ×6 ×7 ×8 ×9 ×10 ×11 ×12 ×13 ×14 ×15 ×16 ×17 ×18 ×19 ×20

Table rows: Items to add (or not) to knapsack

Table columns: Total capacity

How to read off solution:

Answer for example: 1kg, 7kg, 4kg, 8kg (total: 20kg; other solutions possible)

Time complexity: O(cn)


Value Maximization

Example: Capacity c = 20kg, weight of items: 8kg, 500¥; 2kg, 2000¥; 4kg, 235¥; 7kg, 700¥; 2kg, 400¥; 1kg, 100¥; 5kg, 450¥; 12kg, 650¥

Algorithm: Try all possible solutions

Design strategy: Brute force

Implementation: Dknapsack.rb (of various algorithms, only brute force finds optimal solution)


Brute Force Algorithm


Variations of the Knapsack Problem (Summary)

  1. All items are the same; how many items fit in?
    Solution: Divide capacity by item weight
    Design strategy: Simplistic 'algorithm'
  2. Pack as many items as possible
    Solution: Start with lightest items
    Design strategy: Greedy algorithm
  3. Use as much capacity as possible (integer version)
    Solution: Consider subproblems with capacity c'c and items s1,..., sk (kn)
    Design Strategy: Dynamic programming
  4. Maximize value
    Design Strategy: Brute force


Algorithm Design Strategies


Goal for Remaining Time

Example Problem 1: 3-SAT


Example Problem 2: Independent Set


Example Problem 3: Traveling Salesman



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approximation algorithms
brute force
greedy algorithm
knapsack problem
closed formula
number sequence
independent set
traveling salesman